Our Family-God's abundant love is incredible!

Our Family-God's abundant love is incredible!
Fall 2008 at Bennet Springs State Park

Monday, September 7, 2009

New Hampshire, Vermont, New York

Anna Here...

At the Moment we are in Vermont, just wandering around. We are headed into Upstate New York This afternoon, and then Canada Hopefully by Wednesday.

Yesterday we Left Maine *VERY LARGE TEAR ROLLING DOWN FACE* It was beautiful, and i didn't want to leave. I think I found about 700 dream homes that I hope some unknown relative could leave me when they die... :P but that's not going to happen...
We drove to the Top of Cadilac Mountian... well... we went from Sea level, to 1530 feet in less then 2 miles. the view from the top was fabulous. (sorry, no pictures, my internet is REALLY slow here)
We drove for about six hours yesterday, but it too ALL day because we had to get new break pads. (we didn't feel like trying the White Mountains in New Hampshire and the Adirondacks in New York without them...) and that took about 3 hours.

just five more days and we will be home; I for one, am very ready to be there. in my opinion I've seen Maine, now I'm done. :P kidding... I'll enjoy the rest of the trip no matter what.

see you all in a few days!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dad says to say he is still looking for a Moose. :)

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